With a long history and experienced experts in the field of supplying and equipping and maintaining active and passive telecommunication systems, this company has always tried to provide services to its customers in the best and most appropriate way possible. So far, it has succeeded in increasing the scope of its activities and the level of cooperation with customers such as Iran Telecommunications, FCP companies, oil and gas companies, electricity distribution companies, South Sugarcane Development Company, National Drilling Company, different airports across the country, private FTTX providers, and other companies to increase day by day. Ajand Co. has always imported telecommunications equipment, and our goods have always been original, and it has never acted as an intermediary. Ajand Co. always recruited true specialists for different brands such as Huawei, ZTE, and OPENT and relying on the technical knowledge of them, we always tried to help our customers and provide best services to them. Also, in all the time we have tried to prepare high degree of satisfaction for our customers.
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