PVMD Control card


PVMD Control Card UA5000

In the telecommunication distribution network, which uses various network equipments in Kafu-optical communication with a fiber connection, they bring a number of phones along with free Internet bandwidth to our alleys (at the Kafu-optic place). PVMD control cards are installed inside Huawei’s optical cafe as control cards and provide the possibility to manage the Narrow Band system. The PVMD board is a central processing board that manages narrowband service boards and processes V5, SIP/H.248 and PV8+ protocols

The PVMD board has the following functions

  • Transmits the time division multiplexing (TDM) voice signals to the local exchange (LE) through the V5 interface
  • Encapsulates the TDM voice signals into IP packets and then transmit the packets upstream to the softswitch through the fast Ethernet (FE) port or the gigabit Ethernet (GE) port
  • The PVMD board works with the EDTB board to implement cascading of PV8 subracks (for example, HCB, HDB, HIB, HFB, HGB, HMB, HLB, HUBT, HUBM, HUBS, HUBE, HUBF, HUBB, HUBO, HUBL)

In the active and standby mode, the PVMD board supports a maximum of 2048 voice service channels


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